Corporate social responsibility policy

/Corporate social responsibility policy
Corporate social responsibility policy 2020-03-30T06:17:54+02:00


Alecosa’s Corporate Social Responsibility is materialized through specific corporate actions and policies related to the axes of action that have been identified, the business practices required of suppliers and the organization’s practices regarding risks, including tax, and communication of information.

1. In relation to Our workers

– Achieve the maximum commitment and loyalty of the people who work at Alecosa through the deployment of our people management model and our corporate culture; generating the emotional and material environment that allows attracting and developing the best individual and collective talent.

– Ensure the health of all employees and implement practices to minimize the risk of workplace accidents.

– Respect diversity and promote equal opportunities, as well as non-discrimination based on gender, age, disability or any other circumstance.

– The personal and professional development of Alecosa employees is promoted and the improvement of their own skills and competencies is encouraged.

– The actions related to the selection, hiring, training and internal promotion of professionals are based on the principles of equal opportunities and non-discrimination, as well as on clear criteria of professional ability, competence and merit.

– The reconciliation of family life with work activity is sought, the balance between their family and work responsibilities will be facilitated and the right to privacy of their professionals will be respected, in all its manifestations.

– Professionals are offered a fair remuneration level appropriate to the labor market.

2. In relation to our community and environment:

– Projects related to education and access to employment, as well as to the social and labor insertion of people with disabilities.

– ONG donations.

– Implementation and development of best practices in our value chain.

– Respect and promote respect for human rights in accordance with international references in this area.

– Promote actions aimed at reducing our environmental impact, such as actions aimed at reducing the carbon footprint and transparent communication of emissions, the development of actions to improve the life cycle of our products and services, and the development of the circular economy.

– Environmental actions will be governed by the principles and rules established in the Environmental Policy.

3. In relation to our clients

– Define and apply a responsible marketing policy that understands customers as an ally, establishing long-lasting relationships, founded on trust and providing value for both parties; and to support our growth.

– Becoming a key supplier to our clients, who contributes value propositions to their business and contributes to its development, in the different markets we reach and in which we can jointly develop.

– Promote transparent, clear and responsible communication in our business relationship with all of them.

4. In relation to our shareholders

– The actions carried out in this area must comply with the legal norms and corporate governance rules, the Bylaws, the Board Regulations, and the Regulations of the Board of Directors.

– Relations with our shareholders are subject to the principles of transparency, truthfulness, permanent and adequate information and immediacy, as well as the principle of non-discrimination and equal treatment of all shareholders who are in identical conditions and are not affected by conflicts of interest. competition or interest.

– Shareholders and investors will be provided with the maximum possible profit in a sustained and equitable manner.

5. In relation to suppliers

Suppliers are required to act in line with the principles and rules that prevail at Alecosa regarding the following issues:

(i) Business integrity: The supplier will want to be part of a global and integrated supply chain, in which good business practices among the members of the chain will be its raison d’être.

(ii) Labor standards: The supplier will comply with all current labor laws and regulations.

(iii) Human rights: providers whose objective is to support and respect the international declaration of human rights, especially those whose violation degrades the collective of workers.

(iv) TChild labor: providers whose objective is to support and respect the international declaration of human rights, especially those whose violation encourages child labor.

(v) Deprivation of liberty or forced labor: The provider undertakes not to deprive his workers of liberty and not to compel them to carry out forced labor.

(vi) Freedom of association and collective bargaining: Our suppliers must allow freedom of association, freedom of association and freedom of collective bargaining, which are fundamental rights that all workers must have.

(vii) Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination: Our providers reject discrimination for any reason, and in particular on the basis of age, sex, religion, race, sexual orientation, national origin or disability.

(viii) Wages and working hours: The provider will have a policy of wages and working hours in accordance with the demands of society and the environment, recognizing the reconciliation of family and work life.

(ix) Health and safety: The supplier agrees to have implemented an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (certified or not) that ensures compliance with all legal safety and health requirements, and for all its workers.

(x) Product quality and safety: The supplier agrees to have implemented a Quality Management System (certified or not) that ensures compliance with all the requirements and quality standards demanded by customers.

(xi) Environment: The supplier agrees to have implemented an Environmental Management System (certified or not) that ensures compliance with all environmental legal requirements and minimization of the environmental impacts generated by the company.

(xii) Mineral conflict: All our suppliers take care not to supply 3TG materials (tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold) that come from countries in conflict that can use the money to finance and perpetuate armed conflicts, especially from DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo) .

6. In relation to tax risks

– Achieve responsible compliance with the tax regulations in force in the jurisdiction where it operates and achieve an optimal level in the management of risks of this nature.

– A series of areas classified as “potential tax risk” have been identified, which will be specifically monitored: compliance, tax credits, tax inspections, tax litigation, restructuring operations and investment / divestment operations.

– Likewise, in the case of operations or matters that must be submitted to the approval of the Board of Directors, it shall be informed of the tax consequences thereof when they constitute a relevant factor.